Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Team's secret identities revealed!

A few of my favorite populated pics from our adventures, although some were taken "outside the fence", so to speak.

Also the coolest fuse I've ever seen.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Our favorite mission

One of our favorite places to take pictures is a bridge near where we live. It is currently in a legal battle between the state who wants to turn it into part of a nature trail and the railroad company who wants to dismantle it. It is a beautiful part of Missouri history and in our opinion (and the opinions of thousands of other Missourians) it should be preserved for the enjoyment of people for many years to come. If you'd like more info shoot Kent an email.

The first three pics are from that location, taken on three seperate missions. We really like this place.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Some sunset/sunrise

Not all UE, but all of these were taken on UE missions - mi piace the sun.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Light is much more effective when it only exists every 50 feet.

An introduction...

Team Asbestos is a small group of urban explorers operating out of mid-Missouri. It is important that any critics note that a strict set of rules governs the conduct of Agents while in their capacity as members of Team Asbestos. This site is an outlet for members to share photos, stories, and history from their explorations. All other pertinent information is included in the disclaimer to the right of the page. Also, they're huge nerds.