UPDATE THIS WEEKEND! Some folk from out of town are coming to explore with Kent, Fett, and the gang, and hopefully new pictures will be posted shortly afterward.
1. Sometimes what Team Asbestos does is illegal. They may trespass on private property in order to reach their destination, and when they get there they may commit what law enforcement agencies consider breaking and entering (by simply entering the structure). HOWEVER – as per the group’s rules, they never break anything to get into a building or structure. If an object or door is moved or opened during ingress, it is moved back or shut during egress. Team Asbestos NEVER breaks windows, cuts padlocks, chains or fences, or otherwise destroys any part of the structure, which brings us to the next point:
2. Vandalism. Although occasionally the pictures on this site will show vandalism (broken or cracked windows, graffiti, etc.), Team Asbestos does not condone or approve of unnatural destruction or defacement of a site.
3. The photos on this site are owned by Kent Vaughn. They are NOT under a Creative Commons licence or any similer licence. Do not reproduce them or use them without his permission. He can be contacted at kentvaughn@gmail.com. If you feel that any content is inappropriate or reveals information about a location that would undermine the integrity of the location, let him know, and the offending photo will be removed IF the complaint is found to be valid. This applies to historical documents and all text or essays on the site as well.
4. Team Asbestos does not encourage people to break the law. They share their stories and photos so that interested parties may enjoy some of the history and lesser-known sights of these locations.
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